Sunday, November 13, 2011

Our Hot Air

We had the chance to go on a hot air balloon here on campus a few weeks ago. Here's a lot of pics from that night.

Here's Brad, Isaac, and Samara. Can you believe they wouldn't let all 7 of us on at once...? so strict ;)...

Then, here's me, Hyrum, and Asher. No ride for Harper. She's not quite steady enough on her feet on her own. And she has no idea she missed anything.

I'm gonna try to do better re: updating more often, but I make no promises.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Our recent trip to DC

So Brad had a Conference in Baltimore on Halloween, and then there was this rally announced in DC for the day before, so we stayed with a friend in DC and went to both. AND Brad's mom came to Ann Arbor and stayed with the kids (except Harper, we took her), so it was just the 3 of us!!!

Us on the Orange Metro line. It was incredibly packed. People were in each other's 'personal space.' Every stop, when the doors would open to let more folks in, we would hold up Harper and shout, "There's a child. Don't push us! Next train!" She became the mascot of our Metro car for that 45 minute ride.

So before you look at the pics of the rally, this is them setting up for the rally the day before. Nice, wide open field...

THIS was as close as I could physically get to that same spot.

It was very well attended (duh, obviously)! And it wasn't at all contentious. At all! It was a nice respectful showing of all different viewpoints coming together showing that it is possible to be in the same space and get along. I mean, there were even Mormons there, I hear. There were tons of signs, some political, some hilarious, but I did not see one that was hateful or that cursed. It was refreshing. You never know in a crowd... I would've taken my other children there except that the crowd was just enormous. I was proud of our country that day. There was sanity and kindness in the air. It wasn't Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Green, etc. It was just people, not even sure all were American, and I don't really care. It was literally *awe*some. Enough of that. Some of my favorite signs... I apologize for the quality and angle of some of these shots, but it was kinda crowded and I was just holdin' the camera up and hittin' the button!

This one says "Anyone for Scrabble later?"

If you are a House fan (as we are):

If you are an Arrested Development fan (as we are also):

If you are a fan of Stephen Colbert (as, of course, we are), he's Eagle guy:

And this, *might* be considered a bit sac-religious, but a guy dressed as Jesus was there. (I can't say 'Jesus was there', 'cause that just feels weird, but I guess He was since we are supposed to treat everyone as if they are Jesus...)Btw, the sign says "Jesus 'hearts' Obama! Of course he does, Jesus loves everyone!

We all cheered this girl on as she climbed up the light!

I found him!! What do I get!?!?

So when all was said and done, this was as close as we got. And the sign there says, "I may not agree with what you say, but I'm not going to stomp on your head for saying it."

Oh, and the Conference went fine too. ;)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ha! We only thought we'd find out about Samara's arm today. But no. More tests ordered. We'll know eventually.
Ha! We only thought we'd find out about Samara's arm today. But no. More tests ordered. We'll know eventually.
Harper is in the 1% for weight. Ha.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


This whole buying girly stuff is just so, um, different. I just put together a new pink princess scooter for Samara's birthday. It comes with a clutch bag to hang from the handlebars!!! I don't have a clutch bag, and I'm not complaining, but why, oh, why does my 3 year old need a clutch bag, and especially one that attaches to the handlebars of her scooter!?!? ¡Ay, caramba!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

FHE Monday

For Family Home Evening, Isaac gave a lesson on talents. For his game we went around the room and said what everyone else's talents are. When it got to my family describing my talents, it got interesting. Here are 2 that stand out:
Isaac: "You hold Harper and you don't even drop her."
Asher: "You're nice to Grandma and stuff." (not sure which grandma or why this is so note-worthy...)
My kids really do crack me up sometimes.