Friday, March 20, 2009

Hair and sleeping

So, we finally cut our boys' hair. This happened because Asher was mistaken for a girl at Wendy's a few weeks ago, but that lady was a little crazy... Anyway, here are the before and afters.

This is how I found Asher at 9pm the other night when I rounded the corner to go to the bathroom. I'm so glad he didn't roll in his sleep! I'm also so glad I had to go potty when I did. From the looks of it all, he went potty after bedtime and took the top of his jams off. The sleeves went inside out, so he couldn't get them back on by himself. He was probably on his way down to ask for help and just got tired.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Our February

We are all pretty sick for most of February. I neglected a lot of things...including the blog. :( There were some fun parts too though.

Brad and I celebrated our 8th anniversary in February! He surprised me with a trip to Chicago!!! He got babysitters for the kids (thanks Katie, Steve, Janel, and Derek) and we drove the 4 hours and had a really good relaxing weekend. We went to the Second City Comedy Group. We didn't take the camera anywhere around town with us, go figure, but here is a pic in our hotel. (Sorry Brad, not your best pic.)

We came back and most of us were sick for a lot of the month. But then, the kids and Brad got out of school for the last week for Mid-Winter Break and we were all healthy enough that we decided to drive the whole fam to Boston! The drive was about 13-14 hours each way. It was quick - we were only there for a few days. And we forgot our camera and had to settle for the pictures our video camera took (no flash, very pixel-y). We stayed with dear friends who took really good care of us. We walked around hung out at the house, had meals with other good friends, Brad and I walked around Salem, we all went to the Aquarium and saw downtown and the Atlantic Ocean, we walked around Harvard and Cambridge Commons. The weather was quite cooperative and we missed that huge storm by hours. We drove back and all is well.

Asher downtown.

A very windy day in Cambridge.