She recently turned two and a half and is such a joy to have around and talk to. She quite often will study her body carefully and say things like, "I have great shoulders, look!" or "Look at my beautiful chins - [pointing] 1, 2." She also went through the stage recently of asking everyone she encountered if they had a bum. And they all did!! She is trying so hard to be big and go potty in the toilet. We also just passed the one year anniversary of her breaking her arm. She still claims to remember it, but she always points to the wrong arm. I'm glad she doesn't remember actually. She loves being a big sister and is almost always gentle. She usually is singing any song that she can kind of remember the words to, some are better then others. We love our Samara and we're glad she's around to brighten our lives.
With the depression lately, she has been trying to help more around the house.
Her loading the dishwasher! She was so proud!