Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I'm still alive and breathing

No, I have not had ear problems for months. I lost my hearing in my left ear but got it back about 3 weeks later.

It has been too long of a hiatus from blogging. Today is the first day of school though so hopefully I can use some of my time to play catch-up. We had a great summer and were lucky enough to see most of our families and a lot of friends. If we didn't get to see you this time, your time's comin'.

I also had an ultrasound today. I am 20+ weeks and everything looks great. For those who remember Samara's placental (?) problems, you can probably guess that I was overly interested in where the placenta is this time. Well, it's high and looks good and will not interfere with the delivery. My due date is the same - January 22nd. As for gender, all we asked is that the technician be sure that it is either a girl or a boy, but we opted not to know. He gave us some of those 3D pictures. We had never had them done before - they are awesome! This is the closest we got to seeing the face.
What you see here is the hands grabbing the feet with the head in the lower right-hand corner.Flexible little one, huh?

Here's the more traditional view.

Everything looks great! It's amazing that they can see so much.

I will try to get on here soon and update everyone on the other happenings of our little (and growing) family.


Susan said...

Just amazing!

Jase and Britta said...

those pics are so cool! i've never seen the 3-D ones. i still can't believe your waiting to find out what is it. that would drive me crazy!! but it will be exciting!

mama bear said...

good to hear from ya! congrats on the new baby, glad everything looks good. can't wait to hear what you have!

Missy said...

those 3D pictures are so cool! but come on, are you really surprised that one of your kids is that flexible? i think kramer kids come with no joints or something since your boys can move in about any position. glad you're feeling well - we miss you already. and thank goodness the child is a confirmed boy or girl.

Sherrie said...

Happy, happy, happy!