Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ha! We only thought we'd find out about Samara's arm today. But no. More tests ordered. We'll know eventually.
Ha! We only thought we'd find out about Samara's arm today. But no. More tests ordered. We'll know eventually.
Harper is in the 1% for weight. Ha.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


This whole buying girly stuff is just so, um, different. I just put together a new pink princess scooter for Samara's birthday. It comes with a clutch bag to hang from the handlebars!!! I don't have a clutch bag, and I'm not complaining, but why, oh, why does my 3 year old need a clutch bag, and especially one that attaches to the handlebars of her scooter!?!? ¡Ay, caramba!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

FHE Monday

For Family Home Evening, Isaac gave a lesson on talents. For his game we went around the room and said what everyone else's talents are. When it got to my family describing my talents, it got interesting. Here are 2 that stand out:
Isaac: "You hold Harper and you don't even drop her."
Asher: "You're nice to Grandma and stuff." (not sure which grandma or why this is so note-worthy...)
My kids really do crack me up sometimes.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

A question I've been waiting for.

So this weekend was our Mormon General Conference. It's a time for all the members of our faith to hear the same message from the leaders of our church about things that they are concerned about and things they want to encourage us to do in the world today. There is only so much that scriptures can tell you about some of the things we go through in these times.

Anyway, one of the things that one of them talked about was addictions. The guy mentioned p0rn0graphy (written like that on purpose - so your internet filters will still let you read this.) Hyrum asked what p0rn0graphy is. It was a question that I was sure was going to be asked eventually during one of these Conferences because the topic is usually brought up. Plus, having 3 boys, it was a topic I wanted to bring up with them, but, there's not ONE great way to do this. When I thought about it before today, I had no idea what I would say or how I would handle it exactly. But today, when he asked, it wasn't awkward or anything, and this is what I told him:

P0rn0graphy is looking or watching naked people, mostly, but it's anything that makes you feel like you want to have sex besides your wife. The point of sex is to create life. P0rn0graphy makes fun of that power. It makes it seem like something you can do alone just to feel good. It eventually destroys your soul and your other relationships, especially with your wife. Then Brad and I told him it was something that he wouldn't really understand for a few more years, but that he can talk to us about it anytime. I finished the conversation being quite satisfied with my answer and wanted to share it with anyone else who may be thinking about how to handle that question.
Making about 80 cinnamon rolls for our traditional Conference brunch. Come over if you can get here in the next hour or so. Sorry everyone else. :(

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Harper's All Done

We do the baby sign language that is so popular to use these days. Why? Because it works!